Continuing to Provide a Lifeline
Crossroads’ Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Crossroads is committed to providing life-saving resources to our most vulnerable neighbors, especially during the COVID-19 global pandemic. We are also committed to following the recommended precautions, including social distancing, to ensure the safety of our guests. We will continue to provide in-office case management and mailroom services weekly, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 9:30 am – 12:30 pm.
As many non-profit organizations have been forced to close their doors, Crossroads is one of the few places those experiencing homelessness can receive a meal. Clyde’s Kitchen will continue to provide sack lunch meal service to our neighbors each weekday, from 10:00 am – 10:45 am, as supplies are available.
For additional information about COVID-19, visit the Centers for Disease Control.
How You Can Help

Hygiene Kits
Schedule a hygiene kit donation drop-off at [email protected], between 9 am – 1 pm, or designate a monetary gift toward hygiene kits by clicking the button below.
$6.00 covers 1 kit.
Our neighbors are in need of hand sanitizer, soap, bottled waters, toothpaste, toothbrushes, alcohol wipes, deodorant, Band-Aids, dental floss, lip balm, gallon size Ziploc bags, socks, lotion, and razors.

Clyde's Kitchen Sack Lunches
Schedule a sack lunch supplies donation drop-off at [email protected], between 9 am – 1 pm, or designate a monetary gift toward sack lunches by clicking the button below.
$2.00 covers the cost of 1 lunch.
Sandwiches should be meat and cheese only and placed in ziploc bags. If you would like to put together full sack lunches, you can add any combination of chips, fruit, cookies, crackers, granola or protein bars, and bottled water or small boxed fruit juices. Other needed items include wet wipes, hand sanitizer, mustard/mayo packets and napkins. These items may also be donated individually.

Emergency Documents
Designate a monetary gift toward the cost of an emergency (housing and/or medical) birth certificate by clicking the button below.
$60.00 covers the cost of 1 birth certificate via Vitalchek.

Hygiene Kits
Schedule a hygiene kit donation drop-off at [email protected], between 9 am – 1 pm, or designate a monetary gift toward hygiene kits by clicking the button below.
$6.00 covers 1 kit.
Our neighbors are in need of hand sanitizer, soap, bottled waters, toothpaste, toothbrushes, alcohol wipes, deodorant, Band-Aids, dental floss, lip balm, gallon size Ziploc bags, socks, lotion, and razors.

Clyde's Kitchen Sack Lunches
Schedule a sack lunch supplies donation drop-off at [email protected], between 9 am – 1 pm, or designate a monetary gift toward sack lunches by clicking the button below.
$2.00 covers the cost of 1 lunch.
Sandwiches should be meat and cheese only and placed in ziploc bags. If you would like to put together full sack lunches, you can add any combination of chips, fruit, cookies, crackers, granola or protein bars, and bottled water or small boxed fruit juices. Other needed items include wet wipes, hand sanitizer, mustard/mayo packets and napkins. These items may also be donated individually.

Emergency Documents
Designate a monetary gift toward the cost of an emergency (housing and/or medical) birth certificate by clicking the button below.
$60.00 covers the cost of 1 birth certificate via Vitalchek.