DG & Clyde

The Nugent Tradition of helping out at Clyde’s Kitchen, became a passion for Doug after his wife, Diane brought him with her one time.
His tough exterior was just that…the New Yorker in him was always there but his kind smile neutralized it, especially when it came to the volunteer effort at Crossroads that he brought into all of our lives at Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C.
Doug’s favorite role was serving the guests the soup. Greeting the guests was his forte and the reaction from them was what he intended with a kind hello, a smile and an “enjoy”. The happiness he showed when so many of us from the firm stepped up to help warmed all of our hearts and the “tough Doug” was no longer how we looked at him.
Doug carried that tradition to the law firm, which allowed all of us an opportunity to give back to the community that so desperately needs attention.
For all of us who have taken the time to volunteer a few hours a month it has also become a passion because of Doug.  We would wait for the email to come out where he asked for volunteers and always had to quickly respond to his call for 3 or 4 to go with him before all the spots were full.
So the legacy will continue, we will continue to serve those who need us the most, with a joyful heart and always with Doug in our minds.
What most of us also know is that Doug embraced his Irish heritage..that being said…
May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind always be at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face and until we meet again, May the Lord hold you in the palm of his hand.

Written by Joan Todd, Senior Case Manager, Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C.